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PR2 Beta Training Workshop on ROS & PR2

Videos now available (more to come): Videos


This is a hands-on workshop, with programming exercises for using ROS and the PR2.

Attendees will need prior experience with ROS:


(Under construction and subject to change)


8:30 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM ROS Overview ros_overview.pdf

9:30 AM PR2 Safety video

10:00 AM BREAK

10:15 AM PR2 Administrative Tasks pr2_admin.pdf, pr2_admin_handout.pdf

In this tutorial we will introduce the things an admin for the PR2 will need to know.

12:00 PM Lunch with Willow

1:00 PM Bring up PR2 and Debugging PR2 pr2_robot/Tutorials/Starting up the PR2

Using and understanding common PR2 tools:


2:30 PM PR2 and ROS Tips and Tricks tips_and_tricks.pdf

3:00 PM PR2 and rviz rviz.pdf

In this tutorial we will introduce rviz, our 3d visualization environment.

4:30 PM PR2 and TF tf.pdf

In this tutorial we will provide an introduction to the concepts of the tf library, provide examples of common use cases and the tf api, and give guidance for debugging common tf problems.

5:30 BREAK

5:45 PM PR2 Calibration pr2_calibration/Tutorials/Calibrating the PR2 calibrating_pr2.pdf

In this tutorial we will cover how to calibrate your PR2 out of the box.

7:00 PM Dinner


8:30 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM Navigation navigation.pdf

Autonomous navigation is a useful building block for many applications. This tutorial will give an overview of the navigation stack included with ROS, provide step-by-step instructions for running autonomous navigation applications on the PR2 robot, and discuss approaches for tasking the robot to achieve a navigation goal.

10:45 BREAK

11:00 AM Moving the mechanism moving_mechanism.pdf

In this tutorial we will introduce methods of moving and controlling the PR2 mechanism.

Moving the Mechanism Python Scripts:   Base    Gripper    Head    Torso    Teleop  |  All    None

Moving the Base

   1 #! /usr/bin/python
   2 import time
   3 import roslib
   4 roslib.load_manifest('rospy')
   5 roslib.load_manifest('geometry_msgs')
   6 import rospy
   7 from geometry_msgs.msg import *
   9 rospy.init_node('move_the_base', anonymous=True)
  11 pub = rospy.Publisher('base_controller/command', Twist)
  12 time.sleep(1)
  14 movement = Twist()
  15 movement.linear.x = 0.1
  16 start_time = rospy.get_rostime()
  17 while rospy.get_rostime() < start_time + rospy.Duration(3.0):
  18     pub.publish(movement)
  19     time.sleep(0.01)
  20 pub.publish(Twist())  # Stop

Moving the Gripper

   1 #! /usr/bin/python
   2 import roslib
   3 roslib.load_manifest('mm_teleop')
   5 import rospy
   6 import actionlib
   7 from actionlib_msgs.msg import *
   8 from pr2_controllers_msgs.msg import *
  10 rospy.init_node('move_the_gripper', anonymous=True)
  12 client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
  13     'r_gripper_controller/gripper_action', Pr2GripperCommandAction)
  14 client.wait_for_server()
  16 client.send_goal(Pr2GripperCommandGoal(
  17         Pr2GripperCommand(position = 0.0, max_effort = -1)))
  18 client.wait_for_result()
  20 result = client.get_result()
  21 did = []
  22 if client.get_state() != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
  23     did.append("failed")
  24 else:
  25     if result.stalled: did.append("stalled")
  26     if result.reached_goal: did.append("reached goal")
  27 print ' and '.join(did)

Moving the Head

   1 #! /usr/bin/python
   2 import roslib
   3 roslib.load_manifest('mm_teleop')
   5 import rospy
   6 import actionlib
   7 from actionlib_msgs.msg import *
   8 from pr2_controllers_msgs.msg import *
   9 from geometry_msgs.msg import *
  11 rospy.init_node('move_the_head', anonymous=True)
  13 client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
  14     '/head_traj_controller/point_head_action', PointHeadAction)
  15 client.wait_for_server()
  17 g = PointHeadGoal()
  18 g.target.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
  19 g.target.point.x = 1.0
  20 g.target.point.y = 0.0
  21 g.target.point.z = 1.0
  22 g.min_duration = rospy.Duration(1.0)
  24 client.send_goal(g)
  25 client.wait_for_result()
  27 if client.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
  28     print "Succeeded"
  29 else:
  30     print "Failed"

Moving the Torso

   1 #! /usr/bin/python
   2 import roslib
   3 roslib.load_manifest('mm_teleop')
   5 import rospy
   6 import actionlib
   7 from actionlib_msgs.msg import *
   8 from pr2_controllers_msgs.msg import *
  10 rospy.init_node('single_joint_position', anonymous=True)
  12 client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('torso_controller/position_joint_action',    
  13                                       SingleJointPositionAction)
  14 client.wait_for_server()
  16 client.send_goal(SingleJointPositionGoal(position = 0.2))
  17 client.wait_for_result()
  18 if client.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
  19     print "Success"

Teleop skeleton

   1 #! /usr/bin/env python
   3 import roslib
   4 roslib.load_manifest('mm_teleop')
   5 from pr2_controllers_msgs.msg import *
   6 import rospy
   7 import actionlib.action_client
   8 import termios, tty, sys, select
  10 # My tricks for making Ctrl-C work seamlessly
  11 import atexit
  12 atexit.register(rospy.signal_shutdown, 'exit')
  15 def getKey():
  16     settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
  17     try:
  18         #tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno())
  19         tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin.fileno())
  20         select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)
  21         key = sys.stdin.read(1)
  22         return key
  23     finally:
  24         termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings)
  27 def print_usage():
  28     print """Usage:
  30 q - quit
  31 h - print usage
  33                 Base
  34      Translate          Rotate
  35          i               u  o
  36        j k l
  38  Head                        Laser
  39    e                      a - Scan quickly
  40  s d f                    z - Scan slowly
  42                Grippers
  43      Left                  Right
  44    p - open             [ - open
  45    ; - close            ' - close
  46    P - float            { - float
  47    : - close lightly    " - close lightly
  49 Arms: Run trajectory 1, 2, 3, ...
  51 """
  55 def main():
  56     print_usage()
  57     rospy.init_node('teleop_the_robot', disable_signals=True, anonymous=True)
  58     while True:
  59         key = getKey()
  60         #print "key:", key, ord(key)
  61         if key == 'q' or key == chr(3):
  62             return
  63         if key == 'h':
  64             print_usage()
  66         if key == 'i': # Base forward
  67             pass
  68         if key == 'k': # Base backwards
  69             pass
  70         if key == 'j': # Base left
  71             pass
  72         if key == 'l': # Base right
  73             pass
  74         if key == 'u': # Base yaw left
  75             pass
  76         if key == 'o': # Base yaw right
  77             pass
  79         if key == 'e': # Head up
  80             pass
  81         if key == 'd': # Head down
  82             pass
  83         if key == 's': # Head left
  84             pass
  85         if key == 'f': # Head right
  86             pass
  88         if key == 'a': # Laser quickly
  89             pass
  90         if key == 'z': # Laser slowly
  91             pass
  93         if key == 'p': # L gripper open
  94             pass
  95         if key == ';': # L gripper close
  96             pass
  97         if key == 'P': # L gripper float
  98             pass
  99         if key == ':': # L gripper close lightly
 100             pass
 101         if key == '[': # R gripper open
 102             pass
 103         if key == "'": # R gripper close
 104             pass
 105         if key == '{': # R gripper float
 106             pass
 107         if key == '"': # R gripper close lightly
 108             pass
 110         if key >= '1' and key <= '9':
 111             trajectory_number = int(key)
 114 if __name__ == '__main__':
 115     try:
 116         main()
 117     except KeyboardInterrupt:
 118         pass

1:00 PM Lunch with Willow

2:00 PM Processing camera data camera_processing.pdf

In this tutorial we will introduce the PR2 camera suite, showing how to configure the cameras and process the data they produce.

4:00 BREAK

4:15 PM Processing laser and point cloud data laser_processing.pdf

In this tutorial we will introduce the PR2 sensor suite, showing how to configure the lasers and process the data they produce. Example PCL source code tutorial: PCL Tutorial

6:00 PM Q&A and free time with PR2s

6:30 PM Dinner


8:30 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM Simulation pr2_simulator.pdf

In this tutorial we will introduce how to bring up a PR2 in simulation, clarify differences between the hardware and the simulator, and how to debug controllers in simulation. And maybe touch on the underlying solvers used in Gazebo.

10:00 AM Writing Awesome Code

12:00 PM Lunch

3:00 PM Get ready for party


8:30 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM Writing Awesome Code

1:00 PM Lunch

2:00 PM Beta recipients will give 15 minute presentations discussing their future plans for the PR2.

5:30 PR2 Free time

6:30 Dinner


8:30 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM How to install your PR2 base station in your lab basestation.pdf, basestation_handout.pdf NetDiagram.pdf

In this tutorial we will introduce the PR2 basestation, explain why it is necessary, how to set it up, and how to make use of it.

10:45 BREAK

11:00 AM How to reinstall PR2 pr2_reinstall.pdf

In this tutorial we will introduce how to wipe everything and start over.

12:00 PM Lunch

1:00 PM Service and Toolkit pr2_maintenance.pdf

In this tutorial we will cover how to service and maintain your PR2.

1:45 PM Adding sensors to PR2 and modularity adding_sensor.pdf

In this tutorial we will cover an example of how to add a sensor to the PR2.


3:45 PM PR2 Maintenance Demos (see pr2_maintenance.pdf above)

5:30 PM Program Close

2024-10-19 12:14