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Object Disappearance for Object Discovery


Our code runs against the electric distribution of ROS. Instructions to build:

It also runs in ROS Fuerte, but has not been extensively tested.


All scripts and launch files are in the mobileobjects ROS package. The launch files and scripts contain documentation on how to set the input data file(s) and other parameters.


The following ROS bags were used as the three datasets in the paper:

The attached database contains the state of the large run at the time of submission. That collection is called large2_seg_update. The ground-truth segmentations of these objects are in the data/large2 directory of the released code.

Due to some nondeterminism in how ROS handles messages, the process of transforming a bagfile into a database (go.launch) varies by a few frames. In our experience, this does not change our results by more than 1%. All of our analysis was performed on the same database, posted above.

2024-10-19 12:53