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MPO_500 Bringup

Launch File

Start the robot by launching the bringup file:

roslaunch neo_mpo_500 mpo_500_bringup.launch

Nodes and Topics

The list of nodes and topics available after the launch of mpo_500 bringup file:


1. /robot_state_publisher

Publish the state of the robot to tf

2. /scan_unifier_node

This node unifies two laser scan i.e. the front and the back laser scan

3. /mecanum_node

This node gives odometry information and also joint trajectory messages.

4. /neo_teleop_node

Publishes geometry messages.

5. /joint_state_publisher

Publishes Joint state message of the joints involved

6. /relayboard_v2_node

Publishes joint states, emergency stop state, battery state of the robot.

7. /sick_s300_back

Publishes the sensor messages of back laser scanner

8. /sick_s300_back_filter

This node minimize the angle of back laser scan

9. /sick_s300_front

Publishes the sensor messages of front laser scanner

10. /sick_s300_front_filter

This node minimize the angle of front laser scan.



Nodes and Topics Interaction

1. Mecanum Node

Mecanum node fetches the current joint state of the robot from the /relayboard_v2_node, velocity data from the /teleop_node published over the topic /cmd_vel and publishes the joint trajectory and odometry information.

2. Robot Control Nodes

MPO_500 can be controlled by two means:

1. Publishing data on topic /cmd_vel

2. Control from the joy_node

3. Laser Scanners

There are two laser scanners mounted on MPO_500:

1. Front Laser Scanner (sick_s300_front)

Node /sick_s300_front publishes laser scan data over the topic /sick_s300_front/scan which is subscribed by the node /sick_s300_front/sick_s300_front_filter and this node publishes filtered scan (minimizing the each scan angle to 170 degrees) and this filtered scan data is sent over the topic /scan_filtered which is subscribed by /scan_unifier_node. /scan_unifier_node unifies the filtered laser scan data of front and the back laser scanner.

2. Back Laser Scanner (sick_s300_back)

The nodes and topics interaction of back laser scanner is same as explained in the section of front laser scanner.

4. Relayboard Node

Relayboard node helps in giving information regarding the emergency stop state, battery state and state of each device of the robot. It also give information on the position, velocity of each joints by fetching the joint trajectory messages from the mecanum node.

2025-03-08 13:25