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AGVS Tutorials

In this page there's a list of tutorial to start using the Agvs robot.

Launching gazebo model and controller

1. Launch Gazebo model

2. Launch Gazebo controller

3. Launch pad to control the robot with a ps3 joystick

Building a map of Willow Garage

1. Launch Gazebo model

AGVS Gazebo

2. Launch Gazebo controller

3. Launch pad to control the robot with a ps3 joystick

4. Launch gmapping to create the map

5. Move around and create the map. You can use rviz to see how the map is being created.

6. Save the map

AGVS Gmapping

Autonomous movement (Pure Pursuit)

It is possible to move the robot through a path by using the package purepursuit_planner. First of all, we'll need to load a map.

1. Loading a previous saved map of Willow Garage

2. Launch amcl to have a pose estimation in the map


3. Launch the planner to move the robot following the desired path

4. Launch an interactive marker to set the path in the map

AGVS Interactive Marker 1 AGVS Interactive Marker 2

VREP model

1. Install latest V-REP version (after 3_1_2 packages do also work in catkin).

2. Link and compile the vrep ros packages

3. Start the roscore (before starting V-REP)

4. Start VREP

5. Load the requested scene or import the robot model.


6. Press play in V-REP to start simulation Note that in order to allow the agvs_robot_control node to perform an accurate estimation of the odometry, the RT mode in V-REP has to be selected. Otherwise the robot motion won't match the motion published in the joint_states.

7. Start robot pad (to move the robot manually)

8. Start robot control

2025-03-15 13:28