[Documentation] [TitleIndex] [WordIndex

Only released in EOL distros:  

Package Summary

ARNI message types, i.e. host, node and rated statistics.

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Matthias Hadlich <matthiashadlich AT yahoo DOT de>, Andreas Bihlmaier <andreas.bihlmaier AT gmx DOT de>
  • Author: Micha Wetzel <micha.wetzel AT student.kit DOT edu>, Alex Weber <alex.weber3 AT gmx DOT net>, Matthias Klatte <matthias.klatte AT go4more DOT de>, Sebastian Kneipp <sebastian.kneipp AT gmx DOT net>, Matthias Hadlich <matthiashadlich AT yahoo DOT de>
  • License: BSD


This page describes the message and service types used by arni. This information might be out of date, for recent data look here: https://github.com/ROS-PSE/arni/tree/master/arni_msgs

Message Types


Contains statistics about a host's resource usage.

# ip of the host  
string host

# the statistics apply to this time window
time window_start
time window_stop

# cpu  
float32 cpu_temp_mean
float32 cpu_temp_stddev
float32 cpu_temp_max

float32 cpu_usage_mean
float32 cpu_usage_stddev
float32 cpu_usage_max

float32[] cpu_usage_core_mean
float32[] cpu_usage_core_stddev
float32[] cpu_usage_core_max

float32[] cpu_temp_core  
float32[] cpu_temp_core_mean
float32[] cpu_temp_core_stddev
float32[] cpu_temp_core_max

# gpu
float32[] gpu_temp_mean
float32[] gpu_temp_stddev
float32[] gpu_temp_max

float32[] gpu_usage_mean
float32[] gpu_usage_stddev
float32[] gpu_usage_max

# ram  
float32 ram_usage_mean
float32 ram_usage_stddev
float32 ram_usage_max
# network

string[] interface_name 
int32[] message_frequency_mean
int32[] message_frequency_stddev
int32[] message_frequency_max

# bandwith of each network interface

float32[] bandwidth_mean
float32[] bandwidth_stddev
float32[] bandwidth_max 


Contains statistics about a node's resource usage.

#ip of the host this node belongs to
string host

#identifier of this node
string node

# the statistics apply to this time window
time window_start
time window_stop


float32 node_cpu_usage_mean
float32 node_cpu_usage_stddev
float32 node_cpu_usage_max

float32[] node_cpu_usage_core_mean
float32[] node_cpu_usage_core_stddev
float32[] node_cpu_usage_core_max


float32[] node_gpu_usage_mean
float32[] node_gpu_usage_stddev
float32[] node_gpu_usage_max

# ram  
float32 node_ramusage_mean
float32 node_ramusage_stddev
float32 node_ramusage_max
# network load of the node
float32 node_message_frequency_mean
float32 node_message_frequency_stddev
float32 node_message_frequency_max

float32 node_bandwidth_mean
float32 node_bandwidth_stddev
float32 node_bandwidth_max

# Drive I/O statistics of the node 

float32 node_write_mean
float32 node_write_stddev
float32 node_write_max

float32 node_read_mean
float32 node_read_stddev
float32 node_read_max 


Contains comparisons of expected value and actual value for a statistic.

# type of statistic like cpu_usage_core or cpu_usage
string statistic_type

# the value of the type
string[] actual_value

# the expected value like "40 - 70"
string[] expected_value

# constant
uint8 HIGH=0
uint8 LOW=1
uint8 UNKNOWN=2
uint8 OK=3

# state of the metadata from the node/host/connection : 
# state: { 0 = high ; 1 = low ; 2 = unknown; 3 = ok}  
uint8[] state 


Contains an array of RatedStatisticsEntities for a node, host , or connection.

# name of node/host/connection 
string seuid

# only used if seuid is a node. is the host ip the node runs on.
string host  

# the rated statistics apply to statistics from this time window
time window_start
time window_stop

# an array of rated entities
RatedStatisticsEntity[] rated_statistics_entity 


Represents a single entry of the master API

string name
string[] content


Contains all the information masterApi.Master.getSystemState returns which is information about publishers, subscribers and services.

# publisher
MasterApiEntity[] pubs
# subscriber
MasterApiEntity[] subs
# services
MasterApiEntity[] srvs 

Service Types


Stop or restart a node on a host or execute a shell command on host

# identifier of the affected node
string node

# action  [restart, stop, command]
string action

# command (for action command)
string command
# message returned upon completion
string returnmessage


Receive a History of the last few statistics send out

# get all statistics where timestamp in ms is > than timestamp
time timestamp
# each statistic has its own rated statistic. 
# timestamps can be found at the time windows of each statistic

HostStatistics[] host_statistics
RatedStatistics[] rated_host_statistics

NodeStatistics[] node_statistics
RatedStatistics[] rated_node_statistics

rosgraph_msgs/TopicStatistics[] topic_statistics
RatedStatistics[] rated_topic_statistics

2025-03-08 13:27