Welcome to the second lab session of the Care-O-bot Experimentation Days
The challenge of the day will be to step into one service robot technology in more detail. As an example we will have a look at the navigation capabilities of the robot following these steps:
- Learn about the architecture and different layers of base control and navigation
- Move the robot through code
- Explore different navigation strategies
Before you start working on the hardware should have attended a safety briefing given by one of the IPA staff! |
Login to the robot
On the robot each group has the same user as on the desktop machines, e.g. expdays-group1. You can login to that account using the password first.
ssh -X expdays-group1@cob3-3-pc1
Learn about layers of base control and navigation
Message used to command the base
To move the robot, messages of type geometry_msgs/Twist containing linear (m/s) and angular (rad/s) velocities (in robot coordinate-system) are sent to the undercarriage controller via /base_controller/command topic.
rostopic echo /base_controller/command
Create a expdays_base_test ROS package
Create a new ROS package in ~/git/care-o-bot.
cd ~/git/care-o-bot roscreate-pkg expdays_base_test std_msgs rospy roscpp geometry_msgs nav_msgs
Open the generated CMakeLists.txt with an editor.
cd ~/git/care-o-bot/expdays_base_test gedit CMakeLists.txt
Add the following line at the end of the the document.
rosbuild_add_executable(expdays_base_test src/expdays_base_test.cpp)
This will generate an executable if you build the package. Now edit the sourcefile.
gedit ~/git/care-o-bot/expdays_base_test/src/expdays_base_test.cpp
Publish your own message
Now as you learned what kind of message needs to be commanded to move the base, it's time to create and publish such a message on your own. Here you get an code sample where you can insert your code.
1 // ROS includes
2 #include <ros/ros.h>
3 #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
5 int main(int argc, char** argv)
6 {
7 // initialize ROS, specify name of node
8 ros::init(argc, argv, "cob_simple_drive");
10 // create a handle for this node, initialize node
11 ros::NodeHandle nh;
13 // create a ROS publisher
14 ros::Publisher command_publisher;
16 // Set ros publisher to publish velocity command messages
17 // to the "base_controller/command" topic
18 command_publisher
19 = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/base_controller/command", 1);
21 // create new geometry_msgs::Twist that holds
22 // linear and angular velocities
23 geometry_msgs::Twist twist_msg;
25 // TODO: fill in velocities; reasonable velocities are 0.05 [m/s]
27 // publish twist_msg until node is killed
28 ros::Rate loop_rate(10); //Hz
29 while( nh.ok() )
30 {
31 command_publisher.publish(twist_msg);
32 ros::spinOnce();
33 loop_rate.sleep();
34 }
36 // TODO: publish stop message
38 command_publisher.publish(twist_msg);
40 return 0;
41 }
To build your package do a
rosmake expdays_base_test
You can start your node with
rosrun expdays_base_test expdays_base_test
Make the robot move forward for 3 seconds
For this task it's convenient to use the Timer. Extend the while-loop of the previous example to fulfill the requirements.
Make the robot move forward for 1 meter
To get the robot's actual movement one can use nav_msgs/Odometry published by undercarriage controller on topic /base_controller/odometry. This message provides measurements of the velocity and the integrated position since startup (fixed coordinate-system).
1 // ROS includes
2 #include <ros/ros.h>
3 #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
4 #include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>
6 // callback function for incomming messages
7 void topicCallbackOdometry(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg);
9 // flag for received odometry message
10 bool has_odometry_msg;
11 // stores last received odometry message
12 nav_msgs::Odometry last_odometry_msg;
14 int main(int argc, char** argv)
15 {
16 // initialize ROS, spezify name of node
17 ros::init(argc, argv, "cob_simple_drive");
19 // create a handle for this node, initialize node
20 ros::NodeHandle nh;
22 // create publisher and subscriber
23 ros::Publisher command_publisher;
24 ros::Subscriber odometry_subscriber;
26 // Set ros publisher to publish velocity command messages
27 // to the "base_controller/command" topic
28 command_publisher = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>
29 ("base_controller/command", 1);
30 // Set ros subscriber to listen to odometry measurement messages
31 // from the "base_controller/odometry" topic
32 odometry_subscriber = nh.subscribe<nav_msgs::Odometry>
33 ("base_controller/odometry", 1, &topicCallbackOdometry);
35 has_odometry_msg = false;
37 // wait for first odometry measurement message
38 while(!has_odometry_msg && nh.ok())
39 {
40 ros::spinOnce();
41 }
43 // Save start position
44 double x0 = last_odometry_msg.pose.pose.position.x;
45 double y0 = last_odometry_msg.pose.pose.position.y;
46 double dist_traveled = 0.0;
48 // create new geometry_msgs::Twist that holds linear and angular velocities
49 geometry_msgs::Twist twist_msg;
51 // TODO: fill in velocities
53 // publish velocity messages until the robot moved a defined distance
54 ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
55 while( dist_traveled < 1.0 && nh.ok() )
56 {
57 command_publisher.publish(twist_msg);
58 ros::spinOnce();
59 loop_rate.sleep();
61 // TODO: update dist_traveled
62 }
64 // TODO: publish stop message
66 command_publisher.publish(twist_msg);
68 return 0;
69 }
71 // Callback method for received odometry messages
72 void topicCallbackOdometry(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg)
73 {
74 last_odometry_msg = *msg;
75 has_odometry_msg = true;
76 }
Every received odometry message executes the callback function topicCallbackOdometry which stores the last message for further processing. The flag has_odometry_msg makes sure at least one message is available.
So insert your code and try to solve the task!
Different navigation strategies
start navigation
roslaunch cob_2dnav 2dnav_ipa.launch
linear nav
This controller tries to reach the Cartesian goal position without path planning using a linear movement. During the Cartesian control of the linear path the environment is checked for obstacles and the robot stops before a collision occurs. As an example this controller if often used when approaching a table. The robot will stop at a certain distance to the table independent of the global localization of the robot.
- Fast and predictable movements
- No active obstacle avoidance. Robot will stop movement when to close to obstacles.
Usage example: move the robot through code
For using this mode in rviz contact a member of the Care-O-bot team.
By only allowing the base to turn and move forward this navigation mode emulates the behaviour of a differential driven platform. The base will turn in place into the direction of the goal and will use global and reactive path planning strategies to navigate to the goal position. Afterwards it will turn in place to the goal angle. During motion it will avoid obstacles or temporary pause motion if no path can be found.
- Very natural motion because the robot always moves forward.
- Dynamic obstacle avoidance.
- Doesn't use omnidirectional capabilities of Care-O-bot 3 base.
Usage example: move the robot through code
For using this mode in rviz contact a member of the Care-O-bot team.
This navigation method uses the full capabilities of the mobile base. Path planning is done on all 3 DOF directly from start to goal position. A reactive path planner avoids obstacles during the motion or pauses the task if no path can be found temporarly.
- Uses full flexibility of mobile base to navigate in narrow environments.
- Most effective method of navigation.
- Sometimes unnatural unexpected movements.
- More CPU expensive path planning.
Usage example: move the robot through code
For using this mode in rviz contact a member of the Care-O-bot team.
Different navigation strategies
Try to modify your scenario in order to experiment with the different navigation strategies. Find out what approach makes most sense in the different parts of the scenario.
Integrate your own navigation into scenario
Implement a service call in your base controller code in order to call the controller from the scenario script (see http://wiki/ROS/Tutorials/WritingServiceClient%28c%2B%2B%29). Test the service call using the rosservice tool on the shell. Add a call to the service to the scenario script where it makes sense (e.g. during turning of the robot) and test the scenario on the robot.