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Package Summary

This is just a test for upload to ROS webside.And the source code is about how ROS "TOPIC" work.

Maintainer status: maintained

Maintainer: Alyson Chen

Author: Alyson Chen

License: BSD

Source: git https://github.com/AlysonQ/test

# Author : Ying-Hua(Alyson) Chen
# E-mail : qoo810823@gmail.com
# Date   : 2015.10.02

Just a test for upload source code to github.
This example is about how ROS "TOPIC" work.

STEPS of build
1. mkdir ~{your_catkin_workspace}/src/{project_name}
2. cd ~{your_catkin_workspace}/src/{project_name}
3. git clone
4. cd ~~{your_catkin_workspace}/
5. catkin_make

STEPS of run

terminal 1
1. roscore
terminal 2
2. rosrun {project_name} talker
terminal 3
3. rosrun {project_name} listenr

2025-03-08 15:45