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This package is providing an object oriented real-time nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) framework which developed at the Automation & Robotics Research Group http://wwwde.uni.lu/snt/research/automation_robotics_research_group at the University of Luxembourg. It features a modularization for multi-agent systems which allows the on-line change of agents, control objectives, constraints and couplings, triggered by ROS-messages.

The GPLv3 licenced source code is available under https://github.com/snt-robotics/denmpc and https://github.com/DentOpt/denmpc . Proprietary licences are available under request.

It is based on following contributions:

The used kernel solver is a "Condensed Multiple Shooting Generalized Minimal Residuum Method (CMSCGMRES)" developed by Prof. Dr. Toshiyuki OHTSUKA:

Its features include:

  1. Nonlinear model predictive control (e.g. a quadrotor with nonlinear system dynamics)
  2. Central control of single agent systems (e.g. a single robot)
  3. Central control of multi-agent systems (e.g. multiple robots that are interacting)
  4. Object oriented code to easily adapt it:
    • Controller: Interface class for implementations of controllers, e.g.CMSCGMRES
    • Agent: Interface class for implementations of agents, respective system or robot types, e.g. Quadrotor
    • Constraint: Interface class for implementations of single agent constraints
    • Coupling: Interface class for implementations for coupling agents
  5. Open-source code


A tutorial and application examples are currently under construction


2025-03-08 15:46