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geographic_info: geodesy | geographic_msgs

Package Summary

ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.

geographic_info: geodesy | geographic_msgs

Package Summary

ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.

geographic_info: geodesy | geographic_msgs

Package Summary

ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.

geographic_info: geodesy | geographic_msgs

Package Summary

ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.

geographic_info: geodesy | geographic_msgs

Package Summary

ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.

geographic_info: geodesy | geographic_msgs

Package Summary

ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems.

Geographic information messages.

Newly proposed, mistyped, or obsolete package. Could not find package "geographic_msgs" in rosdoc: /var/www/docs.ros.org/en/api/geographic_msgs/manifest.yaml

Unique Identifiers

Map points, features and segments all have universally unique identifier names (UUID), using uuid_msgs/UniqueID messages.

Each UUID is stored as an array of unsigned bytes. UUID generation is up to the programmer, but the intent is for matching features within a domain such as Open Street Map to yield the same UUID. The unique_id package provides C++ and Python interfaces for generating them: use the fromURL() method on a URL constructed from the map source.

For example, the Open Street Map URL scheme is:

Here, 999999 is the decimal representation of the integer OSM node, way, or relation ID without leading zeros.

Other map sources should use similar conventions.


The geographic_msgs/GetGeographicMap service takes a map URL and optional geographic_msgs/BoundingBox, returning a geographic_msgs/GeographicMap,

The map contains a geographic_msgs/WayPoint vector and a geographic_msgs/MapFeature vector. Each point or feature is identified by a geographic_msgs/UniqueID, and optional geographic_msgs/KeyValue properties describing their roles.

Features represent any interesting collection of map points: hiking trails, bicycle paths, streets, highways, tunnels, bridges, rivers, buildings, property boundaries, etc. They contain a sequence of component unique identifiers, which may name points or other features. A feature may not directly or indirectly contain itself, so its subordinate points and features must form a tree structure. But, a feature may belong to more than one higher-level feature.

Route Network

Not all way points in a map are drivable by any particular vehicle. Some delimit buildings, rivers, or property boundaries. The geographic_msgs/RouteNetwork message represents drivable paths as a directed graph using a geographic_msgs/WayPoint vector and a geographic_msgs/RouteSegment vector. Each segment represents an edge from one point to another. Unless the path is one-way, another segment will point in the opposite direction.

2024-10-19 14:23