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WARNING: This documentation refers to an outdated version of rosjava and is probably incorrect. Use at your own risk.

Task Planning Problems

Currently, this package is set up to solve problems involving a set of surfaces (i.e., tables) and objects (i.e., Odwalla bottles) whose positions are known in advance, with at most one goal per movable object of the form: get bottle a to (a partiular region/point on) table b.

The current functionality is fairly brittle and limited, but could relatively easily be extended, by adding to the world representation (in src_clj/ros/planning/world.clj) and extending/replacing the action hierarchy (in src_clj/ros/planning/actions.clj).

These instructions will briefly show a simple use of the task planning code; many more details are provided in comments and function docstrings in the code itself.


To use the package, you will first have to follow the setup instructions for rosjava and rosclj, then "rosmake hierarchical_planning".

Then, to bring up the ROS nodes required for planning/execution:

Finally, run bin/clj to bring up a REPL with all of the necessary code on the classpath, and type

(use '[ros.planning actions world sahtn]) 

to load the relevant code. Follow the instructions in rosclj to set up a NodeHandle, or (load "ros/teleop") from clj_pr2 (should automatically be on the classpath) to do this automatically and also load teleoperation code.

Planning and Executing

First, you will need to set up the planning environment and goals. For details on how to do this, see src_clj/ros/planning/world.clj. Or, to use a preset demo environment for Willow Garage green room, you can use (get-demo-env nh).

Then, to construct a (hopefully) good plan that solves this problem, use "sahtn".

(def *result* 
  (sahtn nh [[(make-setup-hla [true]) (make-act-hla true)]] 
         (get-demo-env nh) 
         {:ros.planning.actions/BaseRegionAction 5  
          :ros.planning.actions/ArmGraspHLA 1  
          :ros.planning.actions/ArmDropHLA 1  
          :ros.planning.actions/ArmPoseAction 1 
            (fn [a] (let [[[ax bx] [ay by]] (get-xy-region-extent (:drop-region a))]
                      (if (or (= ax bx) (= ay by)) 
                       (min 5 (int (* 5 (+ (- bx ax) (- by ay))))))))})

This tries to find a good solution to the demo environment, with the single initial plan [get robot to known state, then solve the problem by moving things], with a fairly low sampling resolution for most actions, and adaptive sampling for object drop regions based on the region perimeter. The robot will look around at various points relevant to the plan as it thinks, and will output a solution plus reward or nil for failure. Increasing the sampling resolutions will decrease failure probability and increase plan quality, but also increase planning time.

If a solution is found, it can be executed using execute-plan (which will just fail if any actions fail), or execute-plan-robustly (which will keep retrying failed actions until they succeed).

(execute-plan nh (first *result))
(execute-plan-robustly nh (first *result))


2025-03-08 15:50