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kinect2 Forte_RC

Forte_Rc is equiped with a NUI sensor, Kinect2. It features a 1080p camera compared to the VGA sensor on the original Kinect, processing 2 gigabits of data per second to accurately read its environment. Also has Time of Flight technoly, and InfraRed array. Read more about here.

Ros bridge

Establish the bridge between ROS and libfreenect2. For this, simply launch:

 roslaunch forte_rc_robot kinect2_bridge.launch

Kinect 2 Visualiser

This will activate Kinect 2 and show 4 windows with all types of visualizations:


To test if the kinect2 driver is working:

cd catkin_ws/src/libfreenect2/examples/protonect/bin
./Protonect gl
./Protonect cpu

Use gl to test OpenGL support, and cpu to test CPU support.

2025-03-08 15:51