Only released in EOL distros:
netft: netft_ethercat_hardware | netft_example_controllers | netft_rdt_driver
Package Summary
- Author: Maintained by Derek King
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Stack contains software required to use NetFT input with ROS. NetFT measures ATI Force/Torque sensor (F/T) outputs. It can be accessed through Ethernet or CAN interface. However ROS driver only supports communciation with device using RDT protocol over Ethernet.
Transport Layers
Raw Data Transfer (RDT)
The NetFT supports a very simple communication protocol using UDP packets. This protocol is extremely simple to use.
Ethernet/IP is a protocol used for industrial automation. It built upon TCP/UDP communication. The IP in Ethernet/IP stands for Industrial Protocol not Internet Protocol.
CAN bus
CAN Controller Area Network. Is lower speed (max 1Mbit/sec) shared bus.
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