[Documentation] [TitleIndex] [WordIndex


- Tully
- Dirk
- Isaac
- Paul
- Austin
- Thibault

xacro followup
- 1.7.4 dry released as version 1.6.1
- buildfarm is rebuilding this right now
- document that behavior in the migration guide
- bc script in share with deprecation warning, side efect is that rosrun will ask which script to run -- @dirk-thomas
- consider changes to roslaunch to replace/extend $(find) to work for catkinized packages -- @dirk-thomas
- need better communications between people merging rosdistro, releases shortly before a finished build resets them
  (create a standard location stating the update mode for each distro) -- @tfoote
- need to create testing criterion for converting to catkin.  It's ok to port back to groovy, but it has to be perfect.  We need to improve QA.  Possibly setup a review process for packages being converted.  Documentation should provide standard procedures.  
Such as diff tarballs/resultant debians to the old ones.  
Require testing and running the programs.  Make sure to really use it.  Prereleases are not good enough because they can't cross the wet dry boundary. 

fuerte updates
- prepared release catkin, ros, ros_comm
- waiting for groovy to clear the farm before releasing into rosdistro for building

hydro fork
- blocked waiting on groovy urgent releases

groovy updates
- several pending releases
- waiting for groovy and hydro to clear the farm

Review REP Status

The REPs under review can be found at these locations:
- 132 Incorporation of Changelogs into Package Source Tree https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rep/blob/master/rep-0132.rst
- @dirk-thomas provide formulation feedback we're happy with the content
- @tkruse will circulate for a vote afterwards
- 133 Separation of build environment and source tree tools https://github.com/tkruse/rep/tree/repwstool
- https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rep/pull/19
- @tfoote @dirk-thomas will screen for formulation before sending out
- 134 catkin_make_isolated for non-standard catkin packages https://github.com/tkruse/rep/blob/repisolated/rep-0134.rst
- https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rep/pull/20
- Ask @wjwood to review
- 135 Driver Namespace Practices  https://github.com/chadrockey/rep/blob/namespace/rep-0135.rst
- REP should reference discussion -- @dirk-thomas - delegated to @chadrockey (see pull request)
- https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rep/pull/22
- 136 Releasing Third Party, Non catkin Packages https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rep/blob/9701098708b094005878be5a7ef29e4f5ebc3ff9/rep-0136.rst
- https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rep/pull/23
- reference REP 134 for build_type -- @wjwood
- Pending any feedback @wjwood can release
- 137 ROS distribution files https://github.com/po1/rep/blob/rep137/rep-0137.rst
- https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rep/pull/27
- lots of comments to take into account @po1 will merge and recirculate
- high priority implementation
- API is not in the REP it will need to go through API review independenty (developer level review, not a stable public API) . The cache file will be an implementation detail. 
- 138 LaserScan Common Topics, Parameters, and Diagnostic Keys https://github.com/chadrockey/rep/blob/laserscanner/rep-0138.rst
- https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rep/pull/25
- still waiting for feedback / voting -- @chadrockey

Meeting Notes go into the wiki with copy and paste. 
@tfoote will take over moving the notes to permanant locations

2025-03-08 16:01