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Only released in EOL distros:  

Package Summary


Package Summary


Package Summary


Package Summary



This stack contains packages related to Segway's RMP series robot platforms. This is based on the libsegwayrmp library.

Supported Hardware

There are several variations of Segway RMP's available, but only a few have been tested, if you would like to test one of the platforms or if you need a platform/feature that is not currently supported, email me.

Segway RMP Model


Tractor Mode

Balance Mode

Interface Method


Needs Testing

Needs Testing


usb, serial


Needs Testing

Needs Testing

Needs Testing*

usb, serial




Needs Testing*

usb, serial


Needs Testing

Needs Testing


usb, serial

* This mode is untested by me, because I don't have a balancing mode Segway. If you would like to test this out, email me and I will help you use my library in balance mode.


First you need to get a copy of the repository downloaded to your local machine in a directory in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

You can simply download the software by doing a git clone of the github.com repo:

git clone git://github.com/wjwwood/segway-rmp-ros-pkg.git

And then add it to your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.


You could use rosinstall to install this stack (and potentially others at the same time) that way. Here is an example rosinstall file:


- git:
    uri: 'git://github.com/wjwwood/segway-rmp-ros-pkg.git'
    local-name: segway-rmp-ros-pkg

Then you can install it with this command:

rosinstall ~/path/to/install/into ~/path/to/segway-rmp-ros-pkg.rosinstall

Once you have the stack in your ROS setup, you can build the segway_rmp stack, by running:

   1 roscd segway_rmp
   2 rosmake segway_rmp --rosdep-install

Older Versions

There is an older version of this ROS stack that was based on the drivers from Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial. If you would like to use those packages instead you can checkout their tag in git:

roscd segway_rmp
git checkout iri_version


The ROS nodes that interface with the RMP200 ATV and RMP400 used to be based on the segway_rmp200 and segway_rmp400 drivers from Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial.

Thanks to Evan Jensen from the Ingram School of Engineering at Texas State University for helping to test the RMP400 portion of the drivers.

Bug Reports & Feature Requests

I would appreciate anyone reporting bugs or requesting features by emailing me at wjwwood@gmail.com.

2024-10-19 17:18