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Command Line Tools

A set of command line tools are available once the proper configuration variables have been set up in the environment. If you followed the installation and environment setup steps in the Getting Started tutorial you are almost there. For some of these tools to work, the package must be built.

roscd your_working_package

Also, if you have not sourced the environment variables you should:

source 'rospack find trex_core'/trex.bashrc


trexcreate will create an initial ROS package set up to use TREX. It will create a standard directory structure, and include all of the appropriate build and configuration files.

Usage:  trexcreate package_name  [--help] [--deps pkg1 pkg2 pkg3]
        package_name The ROS package name for the executive
        --deps a b c Optional ROS package dependencies of the package. In this example - a, b and c.
        --help       Produces this menu.


trexfind is a utility to locate a file in the [SearchPath trex search path].

Usage:  trexfind file [--dir start_dir]  [--help] [--path]
  file   The file name to search for.
  --dir  Specify a start_dir in which to start the search from. If omitted, we will assume the search starts in the current directory.
  --help Produces this menu.
  --path Displays the search path.


trexparse is a utility to locate a file in the trex search path, and then parse it. It uses trexfind to locate the file.

Usage:  trexparse file [--dir start_dir]  [--help] [--path]
  file   The file name to parse.
  --dir  Specify a start_dir in which to start the search from. If omitted, we will assume the search starts in the current directory.
  --help Produces this menu.
  --path Displays the search path.


trexdepends is a utility to enumerate all included files for a given nddl file.

Usage: trexdepends [file] [--help] [--dir start_dir]
 file   The nddl file to evaluate.
 --help Produces this menu.
 --dir  Indicates the start_dir to include in the search path.


trexrun launches a T-REX executive as a ROS node for batch or [TrexRun interactive] execution.

Usage: trexrun [--help] [--debug] [--gtest] [--console] [--hyper | --playback] [--debug]
--help:     Provides this message!
--playback: Use if debugging a previous run. Expects an xml observation log file as input named <your_agent_name>.log
            and a clock log file names clock.log. In each tick, this will enforce that the Agent is allowed only as many
            execution steps that occured during the original run.
--hyper:    Run at 100% CPU for debugging. This enforces no limit on execution steps during each tick, and does not
            sleep if there is time left before the next tick.
--console:  Run in interactive mode. This will have no effect on the number of execution steps during each tick.
--gtest:    Apply validation tests on completion.
--debug:    Enables a debug version of the executive whichis slow, but provides alot of extra diagnostics.

TREX requires the following ROS parameters:
 trex/input_file: An xml file that defines the agent control configuration.
 trex/path:       A search path for locating input files. This should include a location for
                  the input configuration file, as well as locations for agent initialization files (nddl files)
 trex/start_dir   A directory from which to start the search for input files
 trex/log_dir:    An output directory for TREX log files.


[TrexMonitor trexmonitor] is a runtime visualization tool for the trex executive.

Usage: trexmonitor [--help] [--dir log_dir]
 --help Produces this menu.
 --dir  Sets log_dir to be the source directory for reading executive output.

2025-03-15 20:58