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This node offers a simple QT GUI to control the drone_autopilot node, the drone_stateestimation node and fly the drone manually via keyboard or joystick. It has a couple of functionalities:

Monitor used Topics

On the top-right, the current publish-frequency of important topics is displayed:

Monitor Autopilot and Stateestimation Nodes

On the middle-right, the current status of the autopilot and the stateestimation node are displayed (refreshed once a second).

Choose current Control Source

Here, you can choose how the drone is controlled. The autopilot node will only send control commands, if this is set to Autopilot.

Joystick Control

Joystick control requires a connected joystick and running rosrun joy joy_node. We use a PS3 six-axis controller.

By moving any of the two joysticks, the Control Source is immediately sent to Joystick. This can be used for safety (autopilot does wired stuff -> immediately take over by hand, disabling the autopilot and enabling manual control).

Keyboard Control

KB control requires the GUI window to have focus, but NOT the upper-left text field (press ECS)

Focus the GUI window and press ESC to immediately enable KB control and set focus such that KB control works properly. This can be used for safety (autopilot does wired stuff -> press ESC and immediately take over, disabling the autopilot and enabling manual control).


Buttons Land, Takeoff, Toggle Cam, Flat trim, Emergency (toggles emergency state).

Autopilot Control

Using the text-field on the left side, commands can be sent to the autopilot node, for example a given trajectory of way-points.

  1. write commands in top-left text field (or load an example from one of the files). You can simply add .txt files to flightplans/.
  2. click Send to transmit commands to the autopilot's command queue (automatically sets Control Source to Autopilot).
  3. click Clear to clear autopilot command queue and current target.
  4. click Reset to reset Autopilot, PTAM and EKF.

Node Parameters


Used Topics

Dynamic Parameters


2025-03-15 20:58