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Only released in EOL distros:  

aubo_robot: aubo_control | aubo_description | aubo_driver | aubo_gazebo | aubo_i5_moveit_config | aubo_kinematics | aubo_msgs | aubo_new_driver | aubo_panel | aubo_trajectory | aubo_trajectory_filters

Package Summary

Gazebo wrapper for the Aubo robot.

aubo_robot: aubo_control | aubo_description | aubo_driver | aubo_gazebo | aubo_i5_moveit_config | aubo_kinematics | aubo_msgs | aubo_new_driver | aubo_panel | aubo_trajectory | aubo_trajectory_filters

Package Summary

Gazebo wrapper for the Aubo robot.


This package is part of the aubo_robot program.

Getting Started

Be sure to install the moveit_simple_controller_manager package in addition to those mentioned below.

To simulate a AUBO-i5 and control it in simulation, first install the necessary packages:

$ sudo apt-get install \
  ros-indigo-aubo-gazebo \
  ros-indigo-aubo-i5-moveit-config \

To launch the simulated arm and a controller for it, run:

$ roslaunch aubo_gazebo aubo_i5.launch

and in another terminal:

$ roslaunch aubo_i5_moveit_config aubo_i5_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true

To control the simulated arm from RViz, also run:

$ roslaunch aubo_i5_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true

You should now be able to drag the end effector goal to create a plan for the simulated arm to execute.


Additional information

See also the sections Usage with Gazebo Simulation and MoveIt! with a simulated robot in the readme on Github.

2024-10-19 12:58