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Package Summary

Depth Enhanced Monocular Odometry (RGBD camera version)


Package Summary

Depth Enhanced Monocular Odometry (RGBD camera version)

Package Summary

Depth Enhanced Monocular Odometry (RGBD camera version)

Package Summary

Depth Enhanced Monocular Odometry (RGBD camera version)

The code has been removed from the public domain. The technology is available as commercial produces from Kaarta.


Depth Enhanced Monocular Odometry (Demo) is a monocular visual odometry method assisted by depth maps. The program contains three major threads running parallel. A "feature tracking" thread extracts and tracks Harris corners by Kanade Lucas Tomasi (KLT) feature tracker. A "visual odometry" thread computes frame to frame motion using the tracked features. Features associated with depth (either from the depth map or triangulated from previously estimated camera motion) are used to solve the 6DOF motion, and features without depth help solve orientation. A "bundle adjustment" thread refines the estimated motion. It processes sequences of images received within certain amount of time using Incremental Smoothing and Mapping (iSAM) open source library.

If an IMU is available, the orientation measurement (integrated from angular rate and acceleration) is used to correct roll and pitch drift, while the VO handles yaw and translation.

The program is tested on a laptop with 2.5 GHz quad cores and 6 Gib memory. It uses an RGBD camera (see following figure). Another version of the program using a camera and a 3D lidar is available here.



To run the program, users need to install packages required by the iSAM library, used by the bundle adjustment:

sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev libeigen3-dev libsdl1.2-dev

Code can be downloaded from GitHub, or following the link on the top of this page. Also, a slimmed down version of the code that does not have the bundle adjustment is available here, for running on embedded systems. The program can be started by ROS launch file (available in the downloaded folder), which runs the VO and rivz:

roslaunch demo_rgbd.launch

For the slimmed down version, use:

roslaunch demo_rgbd_slimmed.launch

Datasets are available for download at the bottom of this page. Please make sure the data files are for the RGBD camera (not camera and lidar) version. With the program running (from the launch file), users can play the data file:

rosbag play data_file_name.bag

Note that if a slow computer is used, users can try to play the data file at a low speed, e.g. play the data file at half speed:

rosbag play data_file_name.bag -r 0.5


NSH East sparse depth(Video): outdoor with limited depth information



Camera intrinsic parameters (K matrices for rgb and depth images) are defined in the "src/cameraParameters.h" file. The program does not use "/camera_info" messages in the data files. The current parameters are set at the default values for Xtion sensors.

The current program uses “/camera/rgb/image_rect” and “/camera/depth_registered/image” messages published by the “openni_camera” driver. Users can also remap from other messages such as “/camera/rgb/image” (for rgb images) and “/camera/depth/image” (for depth images). However, if using “/camera/depth/image”, please remember to change “kDepth” (K matrix for depth images) in the “cameraParameters.h” file to those in the “/camera/depth/camera_info” messages.

It is possible to accelerate feature tracking with a GPU. To do this, simply replace the "src/featureTracking.cpp" file with the "src/featureTracking_ocl.cpp" file and recompile. We use OpenCL to communicate with the GPU. Users first need to install OpenCL in a version no earlier than 1.1 with full profile, then install OpenCV using CMake with flag WITH_OPENCL=ON.


J. Zhang, M. Kaess, and S. Singh. Real-time Depth Enhanced Monocular Odometry. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Chicago, IL, Sept. 2014.

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Research videos Kaarta

2024-10-19 14:19