[Documentation] [TitleIndex] [WordIndex

Only released in EOL distros:  

roboframenet: arbitrator | executor | frame_registrar | imperative_to_declarative | location_memorizer | moo | move_action_server | move_base_rfn | pr2_props_rfn | rfnserver | roboframenet_bringup | roboframenet_msgs | semantic_framer | stanford_parser | stanford_parser_msgs | stanford_parser_ros | stop_server | turtlebot_follower_rfn | utter

Package Summary

frame_registrar manages a graph of semantic frames and callbacks. It contains semantic frames akin to FrameNet but designed for robotics and internally manages a graph of semantic frames and their associated callbacks. frame_registrar communicates with other nodes by providing interfaces for adding semantic frames (through yaml files), accessing semantic frames and their relatives (given filled lexical units), and registering callbacks for RFNServers (in essence, Action Servers) by binding the callbacks to semantic frames.

What are Semantic Frames?

In RoboFrameNet, a semantic frame describes a scene being played out. It consists of an overall concept, the frame name, as well as related actors and objects, its frame elements.

Creating, Adding, and Registering to Semantic Frames

The natural language processing capabilities of RoboFrameNet can be extended by creating new semantic frames, adding them to the frame_registrar, and registering your own code to semantic frames.

Creating Semantic Frames

Overview and Examples

Files are in standard yaml notation. The layout is most explained by example; individual elements will be described below.

This is a minimal example, which describes a scene where the robot emits a mooing sound:

name: mooing
description: The robot moos.

This is the first "maximal" example, which describes a robot turning. Additionally, it describes its relation to two semantic frames, which specifically describe the robot moving forwards or backwards:

name: moving
description: Robot moves in a direction (forwards or backwards) for distance distance_unit(s).  (eg, 3 feet)
  - name: direction
    is_core: True
  - name: distance
    is_core: True
  - name: distance_unit
    is_core: True
  - name: moving_forward
      - parent_name: distance
        child_name: distance
      - parent_name: distance_unit
        child_name: distance_unit
      - parent_name: direction
        child_value: [forward, forwards]
  - name: moving_backward
      - parent_name: distance
        child_name: distance
      - parent_name: distance_unit
        child_name: distance_unit
      - parent_name: direction
        child_value: [backward, backwards]

This is the second "maximal" example, which describes the robot retrieving an object. Additionally, it describes its relation to a series of other semantic frames, whose sequence performs the same task as the master:

name: retrieving
description: Agent goes to object, picks up object, and gives it to the operator.
  - name: object
    is_core: True
  # This is a sequence of frames
  - - name: navigating_to_object
        - parent_name: object
          child_name: object
    - name: picking_up
        - parent_name: object
          child_name: object
    - name: navigating_to_master

See also some corresponding lexical units in the semantic_framer, which describe mappings for the first two examples.


Below, the phrase "one or more" for an entry signifies that either a single instance can be entered, or a list of multiple instances can be entered. For instance, with verb, "one or more verbs" means all the following entries are legal:

verb: moo
verb: [moo]
verb: [moo, speak]

Required Values

Each semantic frame must specify the following values:

Optional Values

Each semantic frame may specify the following values:


frame_elements is a list of frame elements. Each frame element describes an object or actor in the frame's scene and must have two values:


children is a list of relation sequences from the parent frame to child frames. A relation sequence describes a set of frames which -- when executed serially -- complete an action equivalent to the parent frame. Each relation sequence contains one or more relations.

For each entry in a relation sequence, one value is required:

Additionally, one value is optional:

Each relation in frame_element_relations must have exactly one of the following values:

Additionally, each frame element relation must have exactly one of the following values:

2025-03-08 15:49