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Impromptu Buttons Demo

This is a kinect demo found in the mit-ros-pkg repository. For more MIT kinect demos check out the MIT Kinect Demos page.

How to Run this Demo

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  1. Like all MIT kinect demos, you must first perform the General Installation

  2. Once your environment is setup, run:
     rosmake impromptu_buttons


This demo uses the openni kinect driver. To launch it run:

  • roslaunch openni_camera openni_kinect.launch


  1. Like all MIT kinect demos, you must first perform the General Installation

  2. Once your environment is setup, run:
     rosmake impromptu_buttons


This demo uses the openni kinect driver. To launch it run:

  • roslaunch openni_camera openni_node.launch


  1. Like all MIT kinect demos, you must first perform the General Installation

  2. Once your environment is setup, run:
     rosmake impromptu_buttons


This demo uses the openni kinect driver. To launch it run:

  • roslaunch openni_camera openni_node.launch

The one step you will have to do manually is provide a static transform from /world to /openni_camera which will make the normal of the drawing surface point in the positive z direction. In the video above, I ran the following:

rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 1.2 0 .33 0 /world /openni_camera 10

Finally, to launch this demo, run:

rosrun impromptu_buttons buttons

*For tips on how to make this demo work, see Impromptu Buttons

Development Info

Nodes Involved



This package depends on the Simple Fast Media Library to play sounds. you can install the dependencies using rosdep:

rosdep install impromptu_buttons

ROS Packages

2025-03-08 15:57