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Package Summary

The mongodb_log package

  • Maintainer: Marc Hanheide <marc AT hanheide DOT net>
  • Author: Tim Niemueller <tim AT niemueller DOT de>
  • License: GPLv2

Package Summary

The mongodb_log package

  • Maintainer status: developed
  • Maintainer: Marc Hanheide <marc AT hanheide DOT net>
  • Author: Tim Niemueller <tim AT niemueller DOT de>
  • License: GPLv2

Package Summary

The mongodb_log package

  • Maintainer status: developed
  • Maintainer: Marc Hanheide <marc AT hanheide DOT net>
  • Author: Tim Niemueller <tim AT niemueller DOT de>
  • License: GPLv2

Package Summary

The mongodb_log package

Package Summary

The mongodb_log package

Package Summary

The mongodb_log package


Autonomous mobile robots produce an astonishing amount of run-time data during their operation. Data is acquired from sensors and actuator feedback, processed to extract information, and further refined as the basis for decision making or parameter estimation. In today's robot systems, this data is typically volatile. It is generated, used, and disposed right away. However, some of this data might be useful later, for example to analyze faults or evaluate the robot's performance. A system is required to store this data as well as enable efficient and flexible querying mechanisms.

This package provides nodes that can record any and all data transmitted via ROS topics and stores them in the document-oriented database MongoDB replicating the message type as document structure. Afterwards, data can be used and queried independently of a particular robot software framework using the existing MongoDB query features with indexes, data locality (sharding) and MapReduce. This means you can also freely mix in data acquired from other sources, for example using Fawkes.

This project is joint work of the Personal Robotics Lab at The Robotics Institute of the Carnegie Mellon University and the Knowledge-based Systems Group at the RWTH Aachen University. For more details please visit the project page. Around 2014 it was taken within the STRANDS Project to log data from long-term autonomous robots.

How to get started

You can obtain mongodb_log either via the official ROS repositories (e.g. apt install ros-melodic-mongodb-log) or install via source. Source code is available with the mongodb_store repository. The original source for the project can be found in here.

Afterwards the logger can be started. To record all topics advertised in the system execute

rosrun mongodb_log mongodb_log -a

You should start with a small number of topics and see how the system performs. Then increase the number of topics and see what your system can handle and the influence of the actual robot task. You can use the tools mentioned below to analyze this.

Monitoring the Logging Performance

The logger regularly creates graphs based an a round-robin database (RRD) using RRDtool. Additionally, the mongodb_rrd script can be run to create graphs showing the performance of MongoDB. Example graphs look like the following.


In this graph, you see the number of operations performed, in particular inserts during operation. Note that this graph has been edited to show operations/sec, while graphs generated online show operations per 10 secs for performance reasons (data is only collected every 10 seconds).

Comparing mongo_ros and mongodb_log

The mongo_ros package provides two functionalities. For one there is a node to store all messags of one specific topic to the database, for another it provides a library for other nodes to interact with the database. This mongodb_log package compares to the former part.

The record_to_db node of the mongo_ros package stores incoming messages as serialized blobs, much like rosbag does. This way, queries can only be made based on the time of the message. More powerful queries and usage of the data is only possible of a specific node has been created or modified to record data in more verbose documents.

mongodb_log however stores all data taking the message type structure over into the document structure. Here is an example of a TF message and the document used to store it. Note that we have added a few empty lines to match left and right sides more closely.

  MongoDB document                          rostopic echo /tf
{                                        |
  "_id" : ObjectId("5011..."),           |
  "__topic" : "/tf",                     |
  "__recorded" : ISODate("2012-07..."),  |
  "transforms" : [                       |  transforms:
    {                                    |  -
      "header" : {                       |    header:
        "stamp" : ISODate("2012-07..."), |    stamp:
                                         |      secs: 1343297357
                                         |      nsecs: 291
        "frame_id" : "/from",            |      frame_id: /from
        "seq" : 0                        |      seq: 0
      },                                 |
      "transform" : {                    |    transform:
        "translation" : {                |      translation:
        "x" : 1,                         |        x: 1.0
        "y" : 0,                         |        y: 0.0
        "z" : 0                          |        z: 0.0
      },                                 |
      "rotation" : {                     |      rotation:
        "x" : 0,                         |        x: 0.0
        "y" : 0,                         |        y: 0.0
        "z" : 0,                         |        z: 0.0
        "w" : 1                          |        w: 1.0
      },                                 |
      "child_frame_id" : "/some_other"   |    child_frame_id: /some_other
    }                                    |
  ]                                      |
}                                        |

What is easy to spot is that there is a direct one-to-one correspondence of the ROS message type and the resulting document. Additionally, because all of the values are accessible by keys in the document, we can formulate queries based on these keys. Hence mongo_ros and mongodb_log cater to different audiences.

Comparing rosbag and mongodb_log Performance

We have conducted benchmarks comparing rosbag and mongodb_log, the results are shown in the graphs below.



The upper graphs shows CPU and memory usage of rosbag, the generic mongodb_log python logger, and the specific C++ logger mongodb_log_tf, all recording the /tf topic at the same time, with transform messages containing 5 transforms at a rate of 100 Hz. We see that the MongoDB C++ logger and rosbag perform with about the same overhead. However, MongoDB is more efficient when writing, because rosbag writes the message type specification for each recorded message (note that MongoDB was writing two topics, one for the Python and the C++ logger each, while rosbag logged only one). The generic Python logger is much more demanding in terms of both, CPU and memory usage. The problem is the inherent Python overhead for deserializing message, which we had also analyzed when developing roslua (cf. roslua README). Hence, logging many unknown topics can put a considerable burden on your logging machine.

There are two immediate ways to avoid this. First, you can off-load logging to a separate machine or laptop. We have done this and recorded about 170 topics at an average rate of 120 MB/min on a Quad Core laptop with 8 GB of RAM easily. Secondly, you can create more specific C++ loggers for your high-frequency or high-bandwidth topics following the existing template (create a C++ logger, add to CMakeLists.txt, update script to use it). The long-term solution will be to add support for message introspection in C++ to ROS.


The data acquired can be useful for a plethora of tasks. We have used it for fault analysis and performance evaluation, as described on the project page and in the paper. More information will be provided at a later point in time.


More documentation has yet to be created.

Get Involved

If you want to get in touch please contact Tim Niemueller. Feel free to fork the github repository and let us know about your changes. Please report issues on the issues page.

2024-10-19 14:31