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This package provides services which make object detection more convenient.

The main service provided by this package performs the following:


Object Discovery - provided by discover_objects_server

This is the highest-level service which provides the most convenience for discovering objects. This service implements the entire workflow listed above. The discover_objects_server service processes messages of the type DiscoverObjects.srv.

Updating the Planning Scene - provided by update_environment_service

This service encapsulates the process of naming object and surface point clouds, publishing them to various ros topics, clearing the state of MoveIt's Planning Scene, and adding all discovered objects and surfaces to the Planning Scene.

Launch Files


This launch file is the recommended way to start the object discovery service.

The following nodes are always started:

The following nodes are only started when updating the environment is enabled:


 update_state_cloud_timestamps  (boolean, default=true)

 update_environment  (boolean, default=true)

 sensor_topic  (string, default=/xtion/depth_registered/points)

 target_frame_id  (string, default=/odom)



This node provides an implementation of the DiscoverObjects.srv service.


 ~/sensor_topic  (string)

 ~/target_frame_id  (string)

 ~/service_name  (string, default="discover_objects")

 ~/extract_objects_service_name  (string, default="extract_objects")

 ~/update_environment  (boolean, default=true)

 ~/update_environment_service_name  (string, default="update_environment")

 ~/update_old_cloud_timestamps  (boolean, default=false)


This node provides an implementation of the UpdateEnvironment.srv service.


 ~/service_name  (string, default="update_environment")

 ~/bounding_box_service_name  (string, default="find_cluster_bounding_box2")

 ~/output/collision_object_topic_name  (string, default="collision_object")

Using This Package

Make sure a depth camera is generating point clouds. Determine if you need to change any of the default parameters of the object detection, then launch it with those arguments:

roslaunch rail_object_discovery object_detection.launch

When you wish to extract objects, call the /discover_objects service with the desired constraints. Here are some example ones:

rosservice call /discover_objects "constraints:
object_min_sensor_range: 0.2
  object_max_sensor_range: 4.0
  object_min_spherical_radius: 0.01
  object_max_spherical_radius: 0.1
plane_slope_tolerance: 2.0"

Alternately, you can run the extract_objects.sh script included in the package, which uses the constraints in the above example.

rosrun rail_object_detection extract_objects.sh

If you wish to view the extracted objects in rviz without using MoveIt, you can view each extracted object and plane cloud separately by making a PointCloud2 display for each of them. The objects are published to /extract_objects/object_# and the planes are published to /extract_objects/plane_#, where # is 0-9.

Furthermore, a file called vision.rviz is included in the extra/ folder. If you paste its contents into an rviz configuration file, it will add a group of displays for vision-related topics, including Images for the rgb and depth images of the camera, PointCloud2s for the camera and each extracted object and plane, and a MarkerArray which displays the name of each object above its center.

2025-03-15 16:09