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This package provides a simple multi robot controller to follow a route. It contains a node which controls all robots at once for performance reasons with a high number of robots (> 100).

Multi Segment Controller Node

This node receives route messages from the tuw_multi_robot_router. It provides control input for all robots to move on their routes in a synchronized fashion.

Subscribed Topics

[robot_name]/path (tuw_multi_robot_msgs/Route)

robot_info (tuw_multi_robot_msgs/RobotInfo)

[robot_name]/ctrl (std_msgs/string)

Published Topics

[robot_name]/cmdVel (geometry_msgs/Twist)

robot_info (tuw_multi_robot_msgs/RobotInfo)


~robot_names (string[] default: "[robot_0]")

~robot_names_str (string default: "")

~robot_radius (float[] default: "[]")

~robot_default_radius (float default: "0.3")

~cmd_vel_topic (string default: "cmd_vel")

~route_topic (string default: "route")

~topic_ctrl (string default: "ctrl")

~max_v (float default: "0.8")

~max_w (float default: "1.0")

~goal_radius (float default: "0.2")

~Kp (float default: "5.0")

~Kd (float default: "1.0")

~Ki (float default: "0.0")

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2024-07-20 14:46