ROS-Industrial support for the Fanuc R-2000iC (and variants).
This package contains configuration data, 3D models and launch files
for Fanuc R-2000iC manipulators. This includes the /125L, /165F, /210F
and /270F variants.
Note: for use with current ROS packages, the /210F is identical
to the /165F and reuses the meshes, kinematic structure and the OPW
parameters of the /165. Only the joint limits are different.
R-2000iC/125L - "Conventional dress-out"
R-2000iC/165F - "Conventional dress-out"
R-2000iC/210F - "Conventional dress-out"
R-2000iC/270F - "Conventional dress-out"
Joint limits and maximum joint velocities are based on the information in
the FANUC Robot R-2000iC Mechanical Unit Operator's Manual
version B-83644EN/01. All urdfs are based on the default motion
and joint velocity limits, unless noted otherwise (ie: no support for
high speed joints, extended / limited motion ranges or other options).
Before using any of the configuration files and / or meshes included
in this package, be sure to check they are correct for the particular
robot model and configuration you intend to use them with.
This support package has received contributions from: Timo Birnkraut and
Simon Schmeisser (125L), Didier Quirin (210F) and Haris Suwignyo (Alten
Nederland) (270F).
Maintainer status: developed
Maintainer: G.A. vd. Hoorn (TU Delft Robotics Institute) <g.a.vanderhoorn AT tudelft DOT nl>
Author: G.A. vd. Hoorn (TU Delft Robotics Institute)
ROS-Industrial support for the Fanuc R-2000iC (and variants).
This package contains configuration data, 3D models and launch files
for Fanuc R-2000iC manipulators. This includes the /125L, /165F, /210F
and /270F variants.
Note: for use with current ROS packages, the /210F is identical
to the /165F and reuses the meshes, kinematic structure and the OPW
parameters of the /165. Only the joint limits are different.
R-2000iC/125L - "Conventional dress-out"
R-2000iC/165F - "Conventional dress-out"
R-2000iC/210F - "Conventional dress-out"
R-2000iC/270F - "Conventional dress-out"
Joint limits and maximum joint velocities are based on the information in
the FANUC Robot R-2000iC Mechanical Unit Operator's Manual
version B-83644EN/01. All urdfs are based on the default motion
and joint velocity limits, unless noted otherwise (ie: no support for
high speed joints, extended / limited motion ranges or other options).
Before using any of the configuration files and / or meshes included
in this package, be sure to check they are correct for the particular
robot model and configuration you intend to use them with.
This support package has received contributions from: Timo Birnkraut and
Simon Schmeisser (125L), Didier Quirin (210F) and Haris Suwignyo (Alten
Nederland) (270F).
Maintainer status: developed
Maintainer: G.A. vd. Hoorn (TU Delft Robotics Institute) <g.a.vanderhoorn AT tudelft DOT nl>
Author: G.A. vd. Hoorn (TU Delft Robotics Institute)
ROS-Industrial support for the Fanuc R-2000iC (and variants).
This package contains configuration data, 3D models and launch files
for Fanuc R-2000iC manipulators. This includes the /125L, /165F, /210F,
/210L and /270F variants.
Note: for use with current ROS packages, the /210F is identical
to the /165F and reuses the meshes, kinematic structure and the OPW
parameters of the /165. Only the joint limits are different.
R-2000iC/125L - "Conventional dress-out"
R-2000iC/165F - "Conventional dress-out"
R-2000iC/210F - "Conventional dress-out"
R-2000iC/210L - "Conventional dress-out"
R-2000iC/270F - "Conventional dress-out"
Joint limits and maximum joint velocities are based on the information in
the FANUC Robot R-2000iC Mechanical Unit Operator's Manual
version B-83644EN/01. All urdfs are based on the default motion
and joint velocity limits, unless noted otherwise (ie: no support for
high speed joints, extended / limited motion ranges or other options).
Before using any of the configuration files and / or meshes included
in this package, be sure to check they are correct for the particular
robot model and configuration you intend to use them with.
This support package has received contributions from: Timo Birnkraut and
Simon Schmeisser (125L), Didier Quirin (210F), Haris Suwignyo (Alten
Nederland) (270F) and Ademola Oridate (Wilder Systems) (210L).
Maintainer status: maintained
Maintainer: G.A. vd. Hoorn (TU Delft Robotics Institute) <g.a.vanderhoorn AT tudelft DOT nl>
Author: G.A. vd. Hoorn (TU Delft Robotics Institute)